This page is devoted to those talented artists that have contributed to New Dimension Games, especially in these years of our paying our dues and struggling to find our place in the wide, lawless frontier of the gaming industry. As founder and owner of this (small) company, I extend my personal thanks to all of you!
Michael AArsvold is a technical artist at Electronic Arts, and does frelance work when time allows. Alex Abdoulaev is a wonderfully creative artist who, with mere pencil and paper, seems to evoke both prayers and nightmares we have yet to know, and yet are in this present hauntingly familiar, a surreal look into the adventures ahead for our characters in the fantasy game world. However, if you'd like to visit this artist's own world, check out his website. Mark Jason Allen has been drawing as far back as he can remember, which would be about the age of 3 (this is actually documented somewhere in a foot high stack of drawings collected over the past 30 years, in his father's hutch). Somewhere around the age of 10 (1980) he discovered his older brother's Dungeons & Dragons books. Those early D&D illustrations by Erol Otus, Jim Roslof, Jeff Dee and Bill Willingham had a huge impact on him, and he's been hooked on fantasy art ever since. He hasn't had any formal schooling in art. He feels it's a gift he was born with. He has developed his style and techniques over the course of his life through emulation, natural instinct, and his own observations and he's still always trying to improve. He works mainly in pen & ink or acrylics (oils, he feels, being beautiful...but too messy), but from time-to-time works in watercolors or colored pencils. He's spent the past 14 years in the graphics/print industry and has gained much knowledge and experience about computer-aided design, which he sometimes incorporates into his artwork. You can learn more about Mark and his artwork at Enjoy! Anh Tu Vo is attending the Art Institute of Portland, majoring in 3D modeling and texturing. You can see some of his work at Elfwood. Banu Andaru Adhimuka lives in Bandung, Indonesia. He loves to draw, especially about fantasy and myths. He's experimenting with his pictures nowadays. You can say that he hasn't found that certain style that he likes most, so his work offers a wonderful visual variety. You can view much more of his work in Elfwood. Linus Andersson is a member of a small, friendly organization called E.B.R. (Evil Beaver Religion). He reads alot and plays both MMORPG and pen & pencil RPGs. Benjamin F Battiste is from Otisville Michigan, and am serving his second enlistment with the US Army. He grew up in Michigan, where he went to school and earned an Associates Degree in art. After that, he enlisted in the Army as an 11B Paratrooper (Grunt infantry). It seemed to him like a good idea at the time to try and go out and do something completely out of character so he could experience a little more out of life. A year into his time with the army, he got married to a great girl, Liz, who he loves more then anything. He hopes to one day bring world peace through his art, but since he has always found peace rather boring, this will probably never happen. He is a big fan of British style humor and Japanese Animation. For all The Otaku out there: he watches dubbed movies! His father is to blame for his interest in fantasy. When he was five, his father read him The Hobbit and The Trilogy. His dad has regreted that ever since he started drawing fantasy and role-playing. He is interested in all forms of art, writing, drama, and martial arts. He is going to school for a teaching degree in art. (That was before he thought it would be fun to jump out of aircraft for a living!) He also wants to minor in History and British Humor. 11B! INFANTRY!!! 1-505, March or Die! Pascal Belisle has always been fascinated by Dragons and Goblins. When he was young, movies like 'Labyrinth', 'Legend' and 'Willow' fulfilled his imagination. Now, what inspires him is to listen to music by Rush, Genesis, Tori Amos, or to see drawings and paintings from artists like Larry Elmore or Brian Froud. He also plays guitar and writes music for his band: 'Pace'. When he has the time, he likes to draw strange creatures. He's always felt the need to express himself by any means possible, be it art, writing, or music . . . check out his website. Max Bertuzzi decided to try the art world, so he left his engineering courses at the university while he was 22 and changed his life entirely. He attended a comics course and an illustration course, to learn the basics. He knew some professionals and had the opportunity to learn some useful things. Partially recovered from his long gap, he had been also working as a freelance assistant animator on some projects in Italy. He uses mainly ink and pencils because those are techniques he learned first, but he works on various color techniques as well. In the past, his single illustrations have been occasionally published on some well known comics and RPG magazines, mostly in Italy and on various fanzines and webzines around the world. Since then, he has started receiving more assignments and commissions. He also worked in an advertising agency for more than three years (1999-2002) on 2D computer graphics. Some of his favorite contemporary artists are (deep breath): Alan Davis, Adam Huges, Mignola, John Buscema, Moebius, Bisley, Corben, Vallejo, Berni Wrightson, Segur, Rosinski, Whelan, Parkinson, Frazetta, Burne Hogarth, Shuiten, Caza, Royo, Ciruelo, Froud & Lee, and many others. Chris Bligh works part time and has a Bachelor's in Philosophy. He remains on his quest to see every movie ever made, and at the same time read lots of books. He tries to draw when he gets the chance, but only keeps the 'good stuff'. Michele Boito is an Italian aeronautical engineer, but a particular engineer, cos he likes to be very creative and I likes every kind of art. He's been fascinated by the world of fantasy and imagination since he was young. He's a strong reader, loves books, and has a big library. He especially loves adventures and historical novels, particularly 'The Lord of the Rings', perhaps the greatest fantasy novel that it has never been written. He loves to paint and to draw for several reasons: To relax after the stress of work by trying to illustrate an imaginary scene, as it's like opening a magic door that allows you to be there, in that world! He tries to bring that imaginary world back to life! He is strongly inspired by the world created by Tolkien, 'The Middle-Earth', because it's so rich of details, because his structure is so harmonious that it seems it has always been in our real world! He hopes to get satisfaction and money from from his art in the future, when he'll be ready. In the meanwhile, enjoy his work and have a good trip. Patrick B Boyle draws some of our darker warrior-women and desolate locals, but of course, these are wonderful for adventure gaming! You can see more of his work here. Serena M Brans has been a good friend of Matt deMille and New Dimension Games since the first day of the millennium, her twentieth birthday (how's that for a date?) Chris K Broadfoot was a student at the University of Windsor in Ontario, Canada, currently enrolled in the Visual Arts program. His illustrations are mainly the product of being a bored student. But that's fine with us! You can see more of his work on his website. Dany Boucher was born in a nice but boring city situated in Quebec, Canada. Well, as long as he can remember, he spent the majority of his free time pursuing his passion, that of science-fiction and fantasy drawing. Today, he still pursues his dreams, however he also has a job, that of an aircraft mechanic. He works on CP140 Aurora (US version of the P3 Orion) as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces in Greenwood, Nova-Scotia. During the years of 1989-1992, he was a marine engineering mechanic for the Canadian navy. It was during this time that he had the opportunity to explore other interests, pertaining to scuba diving, amateur photography and building scale model cars. For the past fourteen years he has studied Tae Kwon Do and in the previous year he has discovered skydiving. As one may conclude, science-fiction and fantasy are not his only passions. At five years of age he was drawing cars and planes. At twelve years of age he was drawing a bit of fantasy, a lot of science-fiction and realistic-like ships, planes and tanks. His inspiration comes from just about anything from Star Trek to the clouds in the sky. He has never had any formal art education so he had to depend upon magazines and posters for inspiration. In 1999, for the first time, he started using 3D rendering software. And since then he has really had a hard time going back to pencils! He mostly uses Bryce 3D, Rhino 3D and Photoshop. Casey Dale Campbell digs black-and-white fantasy art. Flavia Antonella Canepa lives in Chile and likes to draw fantasy and medieval art, specially based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien and other books. She is in veterinary school for now, loves Heavy Metal and has recently come to more greatly enjoy drawing Elves, humans and horses. Trenton E Capp is just coming off a 'transient' period in his life. Lately he's been drawing inspiration from role-playing. He is proud to say that he quit his day job to become a full time artist, but not in drawing and painting but in ceramics, and is beginning a full time career in pottery, and hasn't ever been happier. John Chandler is a father of three who enjoys to draw fantasy art in his spare time. His love of Fantasy art started when he saw the animated feature 'The Hobbit', back in the mid 70's. As a DM in the late 70's through the early 80's, he used to draw alot of his group's role-playing characters (he still does today). However, if you like what you see in Fantasia, he has a few more drawings on his homepage, which will be up soon. Jeffrey Thomas Cosman is an avionics technician who likes to dabble in art and play role-playing games in his free time. He recently purchased a scanner, and spends much time now trying to get good at stitching pieces together. Barry Crocker lives near Sacramento, CA (originally from Marble Hill, MO). Was an EMT, and now finds better pay for less stress, similar to the industrious Giants, Dwarves of other warriors which he draws so beautifully. Jesper Dammare is a cool guy who just wants you to have a good time! Peter J Dansted has a couple of part time Graphic Design papers, a BSc, an MSc, a job, money (in that order) some amusing anecdotes, some insane relatives and half a cat. His main passtime is to gather unfinished projects. He has untold unfinished programming projects, an ingenious unfinished role-playing system, a truely epic unfinished novel, and a very moving unfinished short story. If he says that if he can live the rest of my life by this philosophy, he will probably live for ever. Isabelle L Davis lives in London during term time and plans to stay on here once she's done at University College London, where she earned a BSc degree in Neuroscience. Most of her free time is spent pissing about and getting nothing done. Otherwise she draws, writes, shops or sits and stares blankly into space. Her social life basically revolves around rock and metal music and clubs. The bulk of her artwork relates to her pet projects which can be found on her website. Christer Degerman is from Sweden and loves to create, often things that are in someway unreal, like fantasy and sci-fi. He reads a lot. Mostly comic books. It is his escape from reality, you could say. His inspiration is from games (all types), comics and other fantasy artists. His goals for now are to get something published, like his own comic, for example. It's a lot of hard work but he says he's too stubborn to give up. Řystein Dommarsnes really likes to draw! Cyrene Domogalla prefers using graphite and PhotoShop. She really likes to draw with the pencil, mostly. If it's big, she tends to use charcoal. Color is generaly done on the computer. Other Stuff she plays with is prismacolor pen, acrylic paint, India ink, and clay. She may seem mellow in person, but she does like big explosions, big armies in battle (LOTR YA!!!!!), always loves swords, Japanese stuff, etc. Although, she has had a thing for cute romantic scenes lately, especially in Anime. She's become a girl . . . no!!!!!! But she'll never like dumb flicks. Never! Jan-Corné van Dongen is an ergonomical-product designer from the Netherlands, specialized in human/technologic interaction and as a result working at many visual aspects in the design process, responsible for concept sketches in early stages, technical drawings at industrial standards and photo realistic 3D renderings. Although creativity has a few limits in a professional environment like this he still has time to dream. Being a fantasy fan and inspired by great writers like Tolkien, Hobb, Martin, Feist and many others, he likes to visualize his own fantasies on paper. He enjoys others 'exploring' his drawings and creating their own stories while doing so. Hopefully one of his drawings starts a story for you . . . your own imagination is the limit. You can see more of his work on his website. Rachael Doran is an artist, writer, dreamer; the usual unusual. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from the University of Ottawa, where she paints colour, space, and light rather than dragons, gryphons and unicorns. She also sculpts paddles into sailboats. Most of her new work is in Photoshop because she is currently short a scanner. She finds some digital art a little artifical and so she tries her best to make them look like paintings. Katriona Iduna Giselle Drijber enjoys both drawing and writing (short stories mostly, and then doing illustrations for them). Dave Edwards lives in the United Kingdom. Art for him, like for most people is an expression, a quest to try and bridge the gap between this world and the next, whereever that may be. You can find lots more cool pics and illustrations and his personal website. Thanx to all who take the time to see his artwork, and he hopes you like it. Felix Eliasson lives in Sweden and likes blue. Thats all folks! Maura Elko has been drawing (seriously) for years, and studied Fine Arts in college. Self-taught to draw and paint, this fine artist feels that's the best way to learn. Inspired into fantasy from the DragonLance books, and artists like Larry Elmore and Clyde Caldwell, what more could we ask for in an artist for a fantasy role-playing game? There's more art to behold here. And, if you like online games, check out the MMORPG Maura is working on. At the end of Janurary 2003 there became an alpha version available for download. The game is called Eternal Lands. Jason Ellis draws for pleasure. The best way to get to know him is to have a wander around his little part of the Elfwood. Larry Elmore is the premiere artist in the fantasy role-playing game industry, a legend, and Matt deMille's personal favorite for the last twenty years, and the only choice for the cover artwork for the Fantasia RPG. Lev Epshteyn started sketching at the ripe old age of 5. While he never took any art classes, he stuck with doodling, and soon it was his main passtime in those long and boring hours of school. Then one fine day, he got his hands on a copy of 'Lord Of The Rings' (actually he first played Interplay's RPG, which intrigued him, and he thought "Wow, they made a book out of that!?") and he has been churning out Orcs and Elves and Dwarves ever since. There's a lot more at his website. Jason Ewing is an avid player of games from RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons to CCGs like Magic the Gathering. Jason has been using 3D software to bring to life characters from such games since late 2004 and continues to seek out new challenges in both 3D graphics and fantasy gaming. More samples of his work can be seen at: Olutoyin Fayemi just likes to be called 'Toyin'. He spends most of his time now with his son, but says one of these days he'll pick up the pen again. Most of his art is inspired by Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time. Anne Flood is the aunt of Fantasia creator Matt deMille, a homemaker who picked up colored pencils one day and discovered a hidden talent within herself, a talent that is rapidly becoming a full-time career. Louisa Gallie is in her first year of Computer Arts at Abertay University, and loving it. The amount of work she gets is staggering but she enjoys the challenge. She has also studied Japanese, which she's just crazy about. Her usual field is high fantasy, but she is starting to combine it with modern and sci-fi art as well. She adores Jessica Galbreth's art, which has inspired her to try watercolours (she is mainly an acrylic artist). She has started using Photoshop more extensively now, and works in grey pencil and coloured pencil occasionally, usually preferring to make a rough sketch only and turn it into something epic on canvas or in Photoshop. She likes working big, and just doesn't have the patience to use pencil for that. Scott Gearhart is self-taught and mostly draws sci-fi, and some fantasy. He likes to draw because it shows some of his feelings. Comic books (such as SPAWN), sci-fi/horror movies, and Playstation RPGs are what mostly inspires him to draw. Jessie Gillies is a Canadian, born in Toronto, but mostly a resident of New Brunswick (Saint John). She used to play D&D (mostly as the DM), and used to be a fencer, and just recently graduated from university with a BA, major in history. Detail is a strong point for her, and feels she is at her best when drawing buildings. Astrid Göthe is an amateur artist who draws for the fun of it, mostly fantasy and unreal things.Dezi 'Xan' Grajales was the company's first illustrator. She currently lives on the East Coast with her husband, Izzy, but continues to work closely with Matt deMille and will be relocating again in the near future. John Greaves is an ex-financial analyst, who gave it all up last year and moved to a different part of the UK with his wife and kids. He's been spending the last year doing lots of different things, but mostly time with family, renovating his house, writing his book and doing drawing again after a having a big break because he was working so much. His inspiration mostly comes staight out of his head, with some ideas coming from LOTR, Warhammer RPG, comics and sci-fi/fantasy books/films. He also just started to look at Manga style drawing. He is currently working on: a book, raptorz characters (see Elfwood) and a Trading Card Game. Jim Patrick Guyer always loved the old art that appeared in the original AD&D Monster Manual, particulary that of David Trampier, and feels that the game hasn't drawn Kobolds correctly since he did them. His inspiration is perfect for the Fantasia gameline, for this RPG overall feels that the industry has strayed somewhat, and we all want to bring back the original flavor of gaming. However, his works that recreate AD&D are not used in our products for reasons both of copyright and of good form, though if you share our nostalgia about the classic games, you can see his work here. Amber M Hague lives in Australia. She loves reading comic books (both the superhero type and the fantasy type) and during the past 6 years has gotten her inspiration from them. Her dream is to draw comics for Top Cow Comics or paint like Boris Valejo. You will find that all of her pictures are inspired by Magic: The Gathering cards and Star Wars. HM 'Alang' Muhammad Hanif is a graduate of Marine Biology, and now teaches Biology and Science at MARA Junior Science College Jeli, in Kelantan, Malaysia. He is married, and his hobbies are drawing and painting (obviously), reading scientific magazines plus fantasy novels, watching movies (fantasy, mystery and military) and collecting edged weapons and military paraphernalia. Well, the last is more like an obsession, especially with the keris. This year, he volunteered to guide four students in Art, which they have to sit for a National Exam at the end of the year. He also practices 'Seni Silat Cekak', a traditional forma of Malay self-defense. You can learn more about him here. Jeffrey Van Haren is from the Netherlands. He likes drawing fantasy art, and is a big fan of Luis Royo and Boris Vallejo. He also likes the manga-style. He usually makes his drawings with black ink, though sometimes he uses an airbrush. Brook L Harker loves creating art. He lost a lot of practice time while going to school, but loves to squeeze in a few hours of drawing when possible. He is married to his lovely wife Allison with whom he a little girl named McKenna. He has been drawing since he himself was 3. He did some time in the Marines and now works making web pages for an ad agency in Salt Lake City, UT. He wants to mention what a wonderful project Elfwood is and how amazed he is at all the artistic and writing talent that resides there. Jason R Harrison long dreampt of a way to share the images he saw in his mind, the horrible dragons, the virtuous maidens and the mail-clad warriors, and it wasn't until he discovered a wonderful little program called Bryce that his dreams began to become a reality. He has always drawn his inspiration from the world around him, subtly twisting the mundane into the fantastic. Squint just right, and that poor bloke running to catch his bus can be a would-be adventurer trying to outrun the undead hordes in some long-forgotten tomb, the sweet old lady walking her dog can become a withered hag and her demonic familiar. His work has come a long way from its humble beginnings, and has yet a long way to go. Thanks you for the opportunity for him to share his dreams with you! Larz Haygood has been drawing all his life. This has resulted in always getting praise for his work, so he thought that now it was time to get it on the internet. By doing this he hopes that peolpe looking for something to rest their eyes on get their fill. All comments and ideéas about future work is welcome. Jenny M Heidewald tries to draw everything at least once, and strives to keep her art inspirational, and original. She works in pencil, colored pencil, black and colored Pigma Micron pens, markers, and has done a few oil paintings. She draws these things so that other people can see the beauty in art, and in turn become inspired themselves. She is inspired greatly by Celtic music. The Greatest Ever Artist: Larry Elmore, who has painted/drawn/inked such beautiful things, making her want to put her characters in color too. You can see more of her artwork here. David Henningsson likes to draw pictures of different types of medieval creatures and monsters. He gets most of his inspiration from RPGs and fantasy books, but since he spends a lot of time in front of the TV, some of it comes from movies, too. Check out his website. Kenneth Herstad lives in Norway, is very interested in Anime/Magna, drawing and computer games, and likes to listen to Metal. Stephanie-Ann Hilgert like to dabble in some fantasy art. Most of her work has been peoples' pets, life drawings, and New England landscapes. She especially loves horses, is a fan of JK Rowling, Neil Gaiman, Peter S. Beagle, and Philip Pullman. Fredrik Högberg has many passions besides drawing, among them snowboarding and computers. He (thinks he) draws because of the great feeling you get when you are really pleased with a drawing or a painting. He gets most of his ispiration from books, though he has always been interessed in medieval and fantasy. He started to draw seriously in late 1998. Rafal Hrynkiewicz is a Fantasy and sci-fi fan, whether it's paintings, drawings, literature or film. He draws mostly because he just feels like it (or someone asks him to), though he hopes to share it all with people who appreciate it as much as he does. Some time ago he joineded a huge project called 'Santharia', so you'll find more of his work at And if you happen to like his pictures, you're welcome see more of them on his homepage. Brian Hudson is an untrained dabbler with the inconvenient habit of doodling on nearly any piece of paper that falls into his possession. The nature of what he produces has less to do with intent as it does with happenstance but, thankfully, the realm of fantasy art has the virtue of being able to claim anything that can neither wheedle nor bludgeon its way into any other category. He hopes that some of you will enjoy his bizarre contrivances and happy monstrosities. Christiaan Iken is an incredible artist of both science-fiction and fantasy, creating worlds both surreal and classic, his magical art destined to become a staple of the role-playing game industry. You can learn more about him on his homepage. Johnathan L Ireland is a fairly serious artist who's been drawing since the age of 1. He plays chess on a semi-professional level. It's the game that put his artistic talents on hiatus for half a decade. One can't say it wasn't worth it though, for to him chess is incredibly enjoyable and addictive. But now he's in art school, attempting to hone his established talents, and expand into new areas as well. David Jackson lives in Tasmania. He reads quite a bit of sci-fi, by authors such as Asimov, Kim Stanley Robinson, Arthur C Clarke and Douglas Adams, though his favorite book remains 'The Lord of the Rings'. The sort of shows that he likes are Red Dwarf, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Monty Python's Fliegender Zirkus, Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, Blackadder, Allo Allo, and the Simpsons. 'The Sixth Sense' is probably his favourite movie of all time, but close behind it are 'The Fellowship of the Ring', 'Bridge on the River Kwai', the 'Star Wars' movies and the 'James Bond' movies. 'Lady Jay' is a wonderful young artist (and Barbarian Princess) who lives and works in the Tacoma area. Jack Jones is (in 2007) studying a Bsc(Hons) in Software Engineering at University. He draws using pencil mostly, and got a B in GCSE Art.Marthe Jonkers is a Dutch girl who studied archaeology and has a love for drawing. She's always drawing, at home, at school, everywhere. She has been drawing all her life (really!) and guesses she likes it so much because she can express herself and her ideas. She has been inspired by everything she has seen, but especially by Elfquest, Star Wars and Greek mythology. She's also a great fan of the Final Fantasy games (especially VIII and VII) and am very interested in manga and anime at the moment. She draws mostly female characters (but is working on males), and she likes to draw fast. She usually don't draw backgrounds because they're all in her head, and she's afraid she'll ruin the drawing by putting them in. And all the fanart she made is now located at Fanquarter. Friđrik 'Albareth-Dragon' Jónsson is an icelandic artist, dabbling into various artforms, including but not limited to drawing, writing and composing. A published short-story writer, and a self-described wannabe-novelist, drawing and composing have come in second place for most of his life, but both are important hobbies to him. He prefers to use original drawing as little as possible in his art, relying heavily on the use of 3D software and image editing programs, as well as his trusty digital camera. Anyone wishing further information or just a chat is free to email. Oleg Kantorovich lives in Cologne, Germany. He actually does not draw or paint as much as he'd like, since studying takes up a lot of time (that's for 2 years now). Katharina Kaudela was born in the swamps of the Weinviertel and she has swamp-green
eyes, and is as fair as you could imagine, and as trustworthy, ahem. Her magic and favor
include Celtic knots, paper (above all in the shape of books), music (mostly Celtic and
punk-rock), love, Witchcraft, and strawberries. To her, drawing is saying what words
cannot. Putting some lines on a piece of paper is somehow a psychological act, and most of
the time it feels to her that she is talking to herself, trying to figure out what's
inside her. But none can deny that drawing is also an incredible joy and a lot of fun. Her
drawings offer pure serenity . . . and we need it. Matthew D. Killfoil grew up in a small town called Ayer, Massachusetts, moved to Daytona Beach, FL in the early '90s, and works as a computer tech at a large company in the area. He grew up drawing fantasy pictures with pencils and paint. In his early years he learned many different types of art, always moving to new forms as he grew. He currently uses computer art programs such as Poser and Bryce. He would also like to thank the people who made their 3d Meshes that have helped him create his pictures :o) Leonid Kozienko is a freelance artist/illustrator from Siberia (great place btw). He likes to illustrate everything from fantasy to sci-fi. Most of his work is painted digitally but he uses traditional media, too. He likes good movies, music, anime ('Hail to Ghost in the Shell', 'Akira' and 'Mononoke Hime'), pictures, books, girls and so on. You can learn a good deal more about this exquisite artist at his website. Kort Kramer has a fascination with world mythologies and folklore which initiated his interest in fantasy art . . . and he's sure all the cool Air Force jets and military vehicles that were a big part of his childhood environment unleashed the science-fiction buff in him. Being a voracious reader of mythology, fantasy, horror and sci-fi has also helped to stimulate his creative impulses towards the fantastical. He admires many artists, from old masters to contemporary illustrators. Their work has been a vital source of inspiration for him and has often helped him to develop and nurture his imaginative pursuits. His galleries can be found at his website. Martin Kurzeja was born in Poland, lives in Germany, and studies politics in Aachen. Lipták László is from Hungary, and in his words, his pictures tell everything about him, so he will join you on your journey through the realms of Fantasia, or, you can seek him out in his own realm, indeed his website. Kevin Lau is a self-described 'overworked wageslave', but every little while, he take some time to do a little art. Particularly after he sees something really good and feels like he's underachieving. Thomas Laurfelt is a Danish language student who lives in a small town called Řlby (if directly translated it would be something like 'Beertown'). He has been drawing for as long as he can remember and what really fascinates him about fantasy art is how your imagination can be made visual to others. His many hobbies include music, fishing, role-playing and drawing, and he loves the fact that he can combine the last two things. As a Dungeon Master of his own Campaign he frequently make sketches and drawings for his Players. These may be monsters, persons or things the players discover through their adventuring. Jim Leung was raised in Southern California, graduated from High School (Class of 2002), and has just started attending the Art Insitute of Orange County (Majoring in Graphic Design). You can see a lot of his work at his website. Bjorn Tore Liahagen is a graphic artist living in Oslo, the capital of Norway (it's a nice place to be!) He got his inspiration from artists like Brom, Bisley, Goya, etc. Music (lots of it!), literature, comics, role-playing games, nature and life itself have also had a large impact on his emergence towards illustration. Art is for him a lifelong obsession, and it's a good one! Sofie Lidén found fantasy as her world when she started reading her first Tolkien book, about age 10, and later Eddings trapped her in our great hobby forever. She's a very social person, loves making new acquaintances, and sometimes finds it amusing to upset the dignity of teachers, judges, and 'cultured' people (cool). If you, like so many of us, share her feelings, venture into her part of the endless forest of fantasy here. Helena Susann Lindvall is a fun woman from Finland who has been doing a lot of fan art and a parody comic. Timberly Linn is fond of running a pencil over a paper to collect her thoughts. She also dabbles in Photoshop and Corel Painter, but rarely has enough time and patience to finish her pictures. You can see some of her work on Elfwood. Nicklas Lundqvist is a self-taught Swedish fantasy artist who enjoys drawing in his spare time. He enjoys drawing and has done so for as long as he can remember. You can view his wonderful art on his website. Rob Maddox does a lot of work with computers, though it is mostly administration related . . . and he does written and graphic work for a large European magazine, and a number of websites, on a regular basis. Computer graphics, created and rendered through a sizeable array of applications, is something he does for relaxation more than anything, though a little bit of public acclaim will never go amiss. Richard James 'Maieth' Mason started out in Elfwood's now jettisoned Zone 47, and put together a good collection of drawings of cybernetics, robotics, etc, but then began to get a little bored of drawing hydraulics and endless cylinders so, after reading a couple off Anne McAffery novels, he did some drawings of dragons. It pretty much lead on from there. More recently his figure drawing skills have become better and that tends to dominate his work now. Jonathan Mayer is an Art major from Omaha, Nebraska, currently attending Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, Minnesota, and in the process of redefining his views on art, coming a greater appreciation of the meaning behind the artwork. Most of his work is not only meant to be asthetically appealing, but it also says something. Some make moral statements, and others contain Biblical symbolism. He especially likes to express his faith in his artwork, as he is a strong conservative Lutheran, and enjoys working lots of symbolism into his work. Anna 'Drakonaria' Mazoń studied psychology and sociology at Cracow in Poland. Usually she uses the computer to create pictures, but sometimes she simply likes to draw on paper and then use digital means to put the finishing touches to sketches. Most of her pictures are made that way. Ideas for her pics for the most part comes from her dreams, fantasy literature, Nature, RPG sessions, etc. You can see more of here artwork at Elfwood.Tyler Meine has drawn ever since she can remember, and has gotten significantly better since starting on Elfwood, way back in her freshman year. Her weapon of choice is a Bic pen or some other sort of ballpoint. Other than drawing, she is a big fan of a few video games, having given ridiculous amounts of her life to Diablo II and many of the Final Fantasy games. She is a fan of anime, but doesn't really like to draw it. She also likes beaches, and clear nights, and snow that's been covered with a sheet of freezing rain during the night. She loves blonde-over-blue, Florida, and a certain person there. Staffan Melin was born in 1969 in Sweden. He works mainly with ink (when doing B&W illustrations) or with an airbrush or computer (for the paintings). Some of his favorite artists are Frank Miller, David Finch, Travis Charest, Chris Moore and Jim Burns. You can see more of his work at his personal website. Tanja Meurer is an architectural drafts(wo)man who likes to draw magic and fantasy. She has two websites you may visit, one in at Fantasy Arthouse (her nickname there is 'Lysander') and the other in English at Art Attack. John Mince is influenced by anime artists such as Masamune Shiro and Masami Obari, as well as some of the best American comic artists like Adam Hughes and Daniel Brereton. He started drawing by pushing his Superfriends curtians up to the window and tracing his favorite heros, and since then he could not stop myself. He now does work for several role-playing games and does character illustrations for other Players. Samuel John Morell bids you welcome to whatever world you're in (and do that voodoo that you do). Nathanial E Morgan creates most of his illustrations for friends (doing all the character bios and sketches for his game-friends got him interested in doing more). It is mostly a free time hobby right now as he's going back to school, but he's always wanted to improve on what he already does, and so he's hoping that that putting it out in public in this type of medium will help. You can learn more about him and his work at his website. Patrick Mark Morris or 'Paddy Morris' comes from a village in England called Weaverham. He first started drawing at an early age and never stoped. He has always been into fantasy and sci-fi. When he was young he collected comics which he copied off of, and now he does everything out off his head, though he still gets good ideas out of books and mags. James E Morrison is a self-described "lazy student" in Europe who enjoys making strange and exotic sketches. Jan Peter Müller has been painting and drawing for some years now, just for the fun of it! He is romantic, creative and chaotic, a really crazy mix if you really want to finish something. He is often inspired by his favorite fantasy stories (Lord of Rings, Taran and many more), and fairytales. His favorite techniques are pencil or Chinese ink, or some colored oil pastels. GREETINGS TO ALL UNICORNS OF THE WORLD! James P Murrary IV is from Las Vegas and has been an artist since a young age, mostly inspired by Professor Tolkien's books. Over the years he noticed that he would get inspired by many many things like people, music, books and weather. He likes doing his artwork more than almost anything, as it's relaxing and makes him feel like he's accomplished something. He is a father of 1 . . . 2 . . . no, 6 children. He has been with his wife for almost 10 years now and you could say she is his Muse. He is also a member of the SCA. He is currently studying at the art Institute of Las Vegas to get his BA in (what else?) Media Arts and Animation. Thomas Niekel likes drawing dragons and demon-like creatures, Lord of the Rings, and Magic: The Gathering. Email him if you have anything to say (about his artwork, preferably), ask, bitch, or just chat. You may also mail him some impossible (art) requests, and he just might take a try on them and send you the result :-) Cory 'KyJin' Nelson likes to role play, and talk with friends on MSN. He really likes dragons. He has moved from his hometown which was Stirling, since Stirling school had absolutely no art program, no music, nothing artistic, and moved moved to Calgary to live with his relatives during the school year, but really does miss the simplicity and 'convenience' of a small town (how all your friends live within a couple blocks of you). So far he thinks it has been a pretty good decision. Laura Ollikka was born on a beautiful Sunday night, and so began the tale of this lover of all things beautiful. She has a great interest for people, loves watching and observing them, the way they act, the way they dress, the way they move. Also, in her art, people are the thing she likes to draw the most. She loves nice comments, so feel free to see her work at Elfwood. 'Bad' Emil Orman studied media and lives in Sweden. He paints for fun, and when he draws fantasy things he usually paints dragons and other creatures because there is so many ways to draw them. Pamala Pagayonan is a graduate of the Classical Animation program at Sheridan College and has been employed as a freelance animation artist at various studios in and about Toronto, Canada. Currently, she's concentrating on illustration and hopes to be able to market her work commercially in the near future as well as do comic book work. Outside of Fantasia, you can see much more of her work on her website. Markku Juhani Peltoniemi is a fantasy artist going fast to engineerdom. He plays RPGs, LARP, reads a lot (fantasy, sci-fi, horror), listens to music and of course draws. He has always liked drawing, as it's been a way to express his feelings, vent frustration and anger. Lately he has studied the female form (hard to get right), inking (also hard to get right), and computer coloring (3's a charm). Reine Pettersson bids thee welcome to his chaotic realm of pencil and paper. Well met traveler! He hails from the country of Sweden in the far north, the home of the vikings. His sources of inspiration are mainly music of the Heavy Metal genre and fantasy literature. And, as far as he's concerned, there is no author quite like J.R.R. Tolkien. The man was a genius. Pavel Pinjin found fantasy when it came to Russia in 1990, and he likes to express it, to see each fantasy world as a real world. So he took a pencil and . . . you can see what he made, in Fantasia or in the Elfwood. Ognjen Popovic studied mathematics in Belgrade. He wrote for computer gaming magazine for four years (and has a similar column in another magazine) because he enjoyed playing video games since his early childhood, and his work was inspired by cover arts of original Commodore (and other) games. As time went by he focused more on fantasy art which led him, beside other things, to donate some artwork for the Fantasia game. You can see some of his artwork here - Jeanne D'arc Wing Yan Price is an Anglo-Chinese artist, who specialises in androgynous males and Tolkien-inspired work. The illustration of Tolkien's World and peoples is a very personal thing to her. Anyone who has read his works will understand this, and will also understand that to whoever reads it, Tolkien's books produce a totally wonderful and unique world. Whereas the movie(s) have provided some muteral ground for fans (for both those who may love and/or hate it!) and their visions, there will forever be the visions left in people's hearts. If one asked her to describe the way she feels when reading Tolkien's works, particularly 'The Lord of the Rings', she could go on discussing forever! Andreas Rabenstein is a biologist who has been fascinated by fantasy and science-fiction stories since he began to read books. Drawing is one of his favourite hobbies on which he would love to spend more of his time. Most of his pictures are based on RPG stories and characters of his own or of his friends. Richard 'Hosea Kittomer' Raidel is a resident of lovely Germany and gifted with too much imagination. So when he's not hanging on his computer, dwelling through cinemas or going to work, he actually finds some time to draw. He seriously started some years ago, but doodled occasionally before that time. He never took any art classes or the like, everything he knows about drawing he taught himself. Since he wants to improve himself, he would be glad if you would tell him what you really think about his work. He promises that he won't drop dead from a heart attack if you seriously criticise his art. Please visit his homepage and leave comments. He would be infinitely thankful! Jani Räty wishes he had more time to draw. He prefers pencil, ink and computer. More and more he is heading towards computer-aided artwork, now learning to use Wacoms Graphire. He gets influence from literature, power metal, television, comics, Boris Vallejo, dreams, etc. Phil Riendeau works full time but still tries to draw as much as he can. He likes to play computer games and draw for fun. Daniel Rodriguez Millan lives in Seville, Spain. If he has a pencil and some paper, he draws everything he can remember about his 'vision' of a place, and finally loses the drawings. Patrick Romanowski studied graphic design in college. Since he was a really young boy he was painting pictures. He was ever interested in swordfighting, fantasy, heroes, vampires and more. A few years ago he started painting such things, and now it is his favorite artwork. He is inspired by listening to special music, often soundtracks like "Braveheart", but he also gets good ideas while walking through the forest or training with his sword. He dreams of being an illustrator for fantasy books, perhaps in the comic or cartoon industry, but time will tell. Stephen 'Ravenight' Runnels is an
artist/bartender. The work he does comes directly for this thing most people call their
brain, which works best when he has paper and pen in front of him. Indeed he has always
felt that art opened his mind to the real world, though lately he feels that it's his way
of escaping it. So he hopes that his work lets you escape into any reality that you wish
to enbark on. My the light or dark guide you along your true path to destiny. Andreas Sandlund is from Sweden and has been painting since he was 7 or so. He's always been a fan of fantasy-art and gets a lot of inspiration from storytelling games and such. He doesn't adhere to any particular style, but instead just draws whatever pops up in his mind. Apart from drawing he uses much of his time for computer modeling and he started exploring it about 3 years ago. Currently he's studying art at the University of Gothenburg. And last, but not least, he has a dangerously vivid fantasy which aids him in his quest! Kirsten Taschira Scholz is a storyteller by heart. She works as an add-sales-manager for a publishing-house and lives in Cologne. Her tale begins when she was a child, with good-night-stories for her baby-brother, but it is a path many of us have followed to fantasy. Later, for example, in school she always got into trouble because her mind was wandering in other worlds. When she first read 'The Lord of The Rings' she realized: "I am not alone." It took some years till she met in person other people who were interested in fantasy, people who encouraged her to continue to draw and to start writing. Almost all of her pics are illustrations to stories or to RPGs. She started as a GM in 1986 and hasn't stopped since. Frank Schulze served in the alternative national service for two years, mainly in a hospital. In this time, his father died after a long cancer. Afterwards he started to study graphic design in his hometown Stuttgart, inspired greatly by Boris Vallejo. For several reasons, he stopped after a year and remembered another dream: Dinos. So he studied geology. Since 1999 he's been working with 3-D landmodels, remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems and doing computer animated flights to visualize sport-events on TV (like the Tour de France). Well, some might say, 'he doesn't know what he wants', but those are only evil tongues, for drawing never stopped bouncing him around, and after discovering so many talented and inspiring artists online, he feels motivated again. So he took his chance to get to this part of the worldwide labyrinth and get in touch with others who share similar interests. Juli Rebecca Shelton studied art/multimedia at a Jr. College in Southern California. Her inspirations are daydreaming and role-playing (lots of that), as well as authors like L.J. Smith, Anne McCaffrey, Tolkien (of course!), Shirley Rousseau Murphy, Beth Hilgartner and a few others, shows, movies and comics like WitchBlade, X-men(!!!), D&D, Hercules and Xena, and a bunch of other artists, like Maggie Wang, Stephanie Law, Julie Dillon, Linda Bergkist, Félix Lavallée (all in Elfwood, so look them up)! But mostly it's just the RPGs, and the daydreams she gets from them. Anyway, have a peek-see at some of the images at her website. Eline 'Ellende' Spek is totally in love with Elfwood . . . she has good friends there, and couldn't wish for anything more. She likes Tolkien, Goodkind, and Simmons, plays guitar and is a horse freak. She studies Public Administration at Leyden university. She also likes LARP with her boyfriend. Antti-Ala Tauriala is from Finland, and lived in the middle of nowhere called Rovaniemi (close to North Pole) to study graphic design. You can also visit his website. Richard Thng built up his portfolio to get into an art school. He says he's come a long way the last few years, through night classes, focus, and desire. Brian Tolin is an animation student in Canada. He studied for a long time independently, but the amount he's learned in one year at school is easily comparable to years of drawing alone. Feedback from professionals is the most valuable source of information an artist can get. In his spare time, he likes to draw, draw, draw. He figures that if he wants to make a career out of this, it's best to practice. The most important thing to remember is "The foundation of all solid drawing is construction." He doesn't really have any favorite artists because there are so many out there who are unique in their own ways. However, if you want to know more about this unique artist, check out his website. Jens H. Tonnesen is a Danish fantasy and horror freak. He has painted since he was a little boy. He has always been fascinated with the supernatural and that will never change (Hopefully!!) His inspiration comes from a lot of things (fantasy books, movies, or a simple walk in the forest) His goal is to be better at drawing and expanding his imagination. Nikolay Toshev was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. He has always liked drawing, and his latest passion is fantasy, and to be more specific, fantasy concept art, the kind that professional artists do in their work on movies and computer games. Thats why his works (as seen in Fantasia) are all made with pencil in a sketchy style. You can see even more of his work here. Andrew Kyle Tubbs has been playing with computer graphics programs since late 1999. Many thanks to Thomas at Elfwood for all the work he has done in his spare time. Heath K Vincent is an artist whose ultimate goal is to create pictures from his mind that look as if he took a black and white picture of them. He loves 3-D animation, and if all goes well in this life he'll be working for Disney. He would also love to work for Blizzard. He looks at their artists' work and sees nothing but utter fun, expressing themselves with no constraints. So, Disney, Pixar, ILM, Blizzardif you're reading this, HIRE HIM!!!! You can see some of Heath's work here. Aleksandar Vjestica displayed his imagination at the pre-school time and won regularly at the school contests in Zagreb. At the end of elementary school he was interested in sci-fi art by winning two SFERAKON special prizes for young talents and was gladly introduced to a bunch of SF-freaks like himself (formally known as the Croatian SF Society 'SFera'). At that time he also started experimenting with some amateur animation attempts. There he discovered literature for role-playing and in time everybody wanted something from their brains to be drawn on the paper. After high school he got his first professional job at a feature-length animated movie. Now he is a student of animation at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb (which has a long tradition of its 'School of Animated Film', including names such as Dusan Vukotic, Zlatko Bourek, Neugebauer brothers and Borivoj Dovnikovic) and he intends to become a second Croatian 'Oscar' winner. He just wants to pull out from himself the best that his imagination can conceive. Lucy 'Niahm' Wade is a great lover of J.R.R. Tolkien. Ever since she read his books almost 16 years ago she has wanted to draw that world which inspired her and gave her passion for drawing that push that it needed. And just when she feels that she cannot do that beloved world justice, her passion for Frodo Baggins and the great friends she's met online keep her going (and she thanks you all). Her style is a 'mish-mash' of Japanese and British influences. Or rather, it could be said that be her imagination likes to wander the paths of Tolkien, Lewis, any Celtic Mythology and Rowling's weird and wonderful worlds. Her artistic gods are Nobuteru Yuuki, Ayumi Kasai and Arthur Rackam. It's her dream to either draw fantasy illustrations or comics for a living. Anything really that involves characters, as that's what she enjoys doing the most. Daniel A White has been drawing since he was
young. He hopes to become an illustrator in a few years. If you want him to draw you a
picture or character, email him the discription of what you want and he'll try it (though
it might take a while to do, thanks to limited use of a scanner), and he'll either send it
to you or put it on his Arthur L Williamson hails from the Peoples Democratic Republic of Utah. That is in the good old U S of A and is the home of the Greatest Snow on Earth. He graduated from college with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and promptly returned to his enormously rewarding factory job. To all those thinking about a degree in Art, he warns to think about it very seriously as there is not much you can do with such a degree. That said he loves art and is now back in school getting a certificate to teach high school art. A lot of his work is printmaking. He also loves drawing. His likes include movies, with a few choice selections being Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Donnie Darko, Underworld, Bladerunner and Big Fish. Constructive criticism and comments are always welcome. You can view more of his artwork here. Slawek Wojtowicz grew up in Gdansk, Poland, before immigrating to the United States in 1990. While in Poland, he was a member of the SF Club of Gdansk and the art director of Collaps, the most famous Polish science fiction zine. He maintains the Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction, Fantasy and Surreal Art on the internet at His science fiction art gallery on the web won multiple awards, including USA Todays hot site award in 1998. Slawek has illustrated numerous books, book covers, CD covers, magazine covers, Rifts Collectible Card Game and his art was used in the 2002 movie, In the Neighborhood. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and two children and works full-time as an oncologist in the pharmaceutical industry. If you wish to learn more about him, please visit his website. Lisa 'Angelus Moon' Wylie prefers 'dabbling' in all sorts of ideas, as 'Angelus' draws whatever thoughts materialize at the time as she succumbs to her passion and places pen to paper once again. To her, nothing is more bleak than the crisp whiteness of a new sheet of paper. The process of coaxing a new drawing to reveal itself through the strokes of brush or sweep of pen is at once invigorating and challenging. The ability to create an image with a vibrancy and vitality all its own is the true test of one's talent. Indeed, being creative is in her blood . . . it is what she does for pleasure, for stress-relief for anything, really. She absolutely loves the subtlety and the boldness a person can create with inkwash and consequently it is her favored medium. This beautiful story for the eyes and heart continues if you visit her website.
Currently all our efforts are on the Fantasia and Pirates gamelines. Artwork will definitely be needed for Pirates and perhaps for Phenomenon in the near future, so if you are interested in working on anything, email us. If you wish to use the proper fonts for this and other pages they are available here as a zip file. |