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When we first started doing this webpage, one executive review complimented that there was no fluff, that is was "all meat", and so of course we had to go and add some (totally useless but space-taking and thus more sophisticated-looking altogether useless stuff). Enjoy!

Oh, and for all legal concerns, remember that everything on these "Humor" pages are all parody. So before you go getting all sue-happy, these are OPINIONS, meant for laughs, and we haven't got any money anyway, so you can pay for your court costs and end up with the ball of lint from my back pocket.

But with all due respect, if anyone who has legal ownership of anything we're making fun of here wants us to remove it, please email us and let us know, and we will promptly take down the offensive material. We have no desire for any legal troubles.


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If you wish to use the proper fonts for this and other pages they are available here as a zip file.