Mission Statement New Dimension Games is about storytelling. We make games you can trust to preserve the worlds you've come to enjoy and your ability to play in them. Everything you buy is going to be intense, enjoyable, and memorable, but always what you already know and love.
Our Quest In the late Seventies and early Eighties, a new world was introduced to the public, the world of role-playing games. In the decades since their inception, RPGs have flourished to include computer games, live-action scenarios, bestselling novels, and on-line games. Hundreds of thousands of people start playing RPGs every year. But what are they playing? When these games first came about, they were about adventure! But when Corporate America took over this merchandizing monster, for the most part they lost their livelihood . . . but not their legacy. Today, millions of loyal gamers continue to make characters empowered with personal dreams and fancies. The greatest of roles are carefully crafted with all the hopes of a journey to justify their enthusiasm. However, that is usually where the ground falls out from beneath their feet, and they can easily plunge into an abyss of playing endless video games on paper. Games seem to have become tired. Everybody seems to have done everything; we've all slain the dragon, we've all rescued the princess, and we've all sat upon a big heap of gold. Naturally, this calls for bigger and better challenges that some greedy game companies are all too eager to embrace, putting out mindless manuals filled with just an endless array of monsters to fight. Gone are the games when the player was challenged to use his wits, his intuition, and his cunning. In some games, gone is any semblance of skill, for now when a character needs to slay a dragon, he just buys a book that says he can. Pretty convenient how every time our characters become stronger someone else becomes richer. Where is the fun in that? New Dimension Games hopes to change all that. Our production line is very simple: We make a game whose entire collection of rules fits into a single volume, and all other products are adventures, stocked full of imaginative encounters and challenges not only to the dice, but to one's mind, his skills, and even his heart. Our job, indeed our challenge is to continue to invent new adventures for your characters without falling into the pitfalls of repetition, dice-wars or hack-&-slash. Role-playing games may be big business right now because there are legions of fans who remember what it was like when they were introduced to the game, when everything was new and exciting, or simply do not know how good it could be, once we got past politics and quarterly reports. Since New Dimension Games is a small company, one can trust that its game designers do this as a labor of love, and hence, create a much more fun and exciting game! New Dimension Games hopes to energize the game for everyone, both young and old. Remember the day you created your first character, wondering about what perils and rewards lay ahead of you in the imaginary world? New Dimension Games offers you a chance to re-live that day, as a whole new world of adventure awaits you . . . New Dimension Games is about storytelling. We make games you can trust to preserve the worlds you've come to enjoy and your ability to play in them. There will never be radical revisions of the systems. There will never be violations of their established mythologies. We focus on good storytelling and keeping our products "imagine-packed" so everything you buy is going to be intense, enjoyable, and memorable, but always what you already know and love. If you wish to use the proper fonts for this and other pages they are available here as a zip file. |