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A Bard's Tale

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PRODUCT: Adventure F2 (#1102)
SIZE: 36 pages with 12 Handouts
RELEASED: December 2000
PRICE: $13.00 (includes shipping in the USA)
Music is magical. It can tempt the heart and beguile the mind. Some who listen too long to songs of legend set out on a journey never to return. Now, a Bard sings of the greatest legend of all, the Dragonlords. Could there still be such kings in the world, and how does their fate share your own destiny? The Bard tells quite a tale, but does not finish it. He says that is up to you, as the legend of the Crown and the Ring await you. Beyond the wilderlands, beyond the Glacier Peaks, the shadows of the past are taking shape to challenge the kings of old. Will you stand against them and become part of the legends?

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