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Why Not Play Pirates?


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Why play Pirates? Arrrrr you serious? Why not? Everyone's a pirate anyway, even if they just don't know it. Go ahead and try to play your fantasy game, but you know you won't venture out to rescue the princess until you've been promised a reward by the king. Sure, proclaim to be honorable but are you really going to leave behind your companion's holy avenging sword when he goes down in battle? Will you really haul him back to town for a proper burial, or just roll him into a ditch a say a few insincere words? Here's your chance to truly be honest: Admit you're a pirate! Now, go ahead and have fun being one! Arrrrrr!!!


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This game won't make a big sales pitch for you. You're either born a pirate or you're not. It's in the blood! And it is surely in your blood as a gamer, or else you wouldn't be here, right?


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